Manipulation of Ear Acupuncture
毫針法 The Filiform Needle Methods.
Insertion of Needle: The thumb, the index finger of the left hand hold the auricle, the middle finger supports the back of the ear. Hold a filiform needle with the fight hand and insert it into the point, with the pain limited in the patient's maximal tolerance. If no reaction appears, the direction of the insertion should be changed. The required depth is flexible according to the thickness or thinness of the auricular. The needles are retained for 20-30 minutes. The needles should be retained longer for chronic diseases, painful diseases, shorter and mild stimulation in children and elders.
Removal of Needle: Hold the back of ear with the left hand, withdraw the needle with the right hand. After the needle is removed, press the puncture hole with a dry sterilized cotton ball for a while to prevent bleeding. If necessary, swab with alcohol cotton ball again. |