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來源:本站原創(chuàng) 更新:2015/4/1 職稱英語考試論壇


2015年職稱英語考試綜合A兩篇閱讀理解分別為教材概括大意的第11篇Is there a way to keep the Britain's economy growing? 補(bǔ)全短文的第14篇The sandwich generation

Is There a Way to Keep the Britain's Economy Growing?

In today's knowledge economy,nations survive on the things they do best.Japanese design electronics while Germans export engineering techniques.The French serve the best food and Americans make computers.

Britain specializes in the gift of talking.The nation doesn't manufacture much of anything.But it has lawyers,stylists and business consultants who earn their living from talk,talk and more talk.The World Foundation think tank says the UK's four iconic jobs today are not scientists,engineers,teachers and nurses.Instead,they're hairdressers,celebrities,management consultants and managers.But can all this talking keep the British economy going? The British government thinks it can.

Although the country's trade deficit was more than ?60 billion in 2006,UK's largest in the postwar period,officials say the country has nothing to Worry about.In fact,Britain does have a world-class pharmaceutical industry,and it still makes a small sum from selling arms abroad.It also trades services一accountancy,insurance,banking and advertising.The government believes Britain is on the cutting edge of the knowledge economy.After all,the country of Shakespeare and Wordsworth has a literary tradition of which to be proud.Rock'n' roll is an English language medium,and there are billions to be made by their cutting-edge bands.In other words,the creative economy has plenty of strength to carry the British economy.

However,creative industries account for only about 4 percent of UK's exports of goods and services.The industries are finding it hard to make a profit,According to a report of the National Endowment for Science,Technology and the Arts.The report shows only 38 percent of British companies were engaged in "innovation activities",3 percentage points below the EU average and well below Germany (61 percent) and Sweden (47 percent).

In fact,it might be better to call Britain a "servant" economy-there are at least 4 million people "in service".The majority of the population are employed by the rich to cook,clean,and lake care of their children.Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree.Most employment growth has been,and will continue to be,at the low-skill end of the service sector-in shops,bars,hotels,domestic service and in nursing and care homes.

The Sandwich Generation

Today people often look forward to their middle age as a time when they will be able to take things easier.After their children are grown,they expect to enjoy the life they have worked hard to create.___(1 )___In middle age,many people discover that they have two ongoing responsibilities: one is to look after their aging parents,and the other is to help their young adult children deal with the pressures of life.Around the world,there are millions of people who are "sandwiched" in between the older and the younger generations.Sometimes there may be two or three generations living in the same household-a situation that is common in many Asian countries and in some parts of Europe.In other cases,a couple may be taking care of parents and children,but they do not live with them.

There are two important reasons for the rise of the sandwich generation.First,people are living longer than they used to.In the early nineteenth century,the average life expectancy for adults in the United States,for example,was about 40,whereas today people live to an average age of 75.___(2)___The second reason is that these days,young adults often live with their parents for a longer time than they did in the past.This is often for financial reasons.It's also more common for today's young adults to return home during or after college if they need financial or emotional support.

___(3)___They may have to cover expenses that their parents cannot.They may have to manage their parents,financial and legal affairs.They may have to prepare for their parents,future needs,such as special medical care or a move to a nursing home.This can be a traumatic experience for everyone .

Caring for adult children presents challenges as well,and caregivers have to resolve important questions: How can financial responsibilities be shared among members of the household? How can household chores be shared? What is the best way to ensure everyone's privacy?___(4)___

The financial and emotional pressures on the sandwich generation can be overwhelming.However,this time in life also has its rewards.___(5) ___It can also provide a valuable opportunity to spend more time with them.However,in order to survive this difficult period in their lives,the members of the sandwich generation must remember that they also need to pay attention to their own needs and look after the quality of their own lives.They can't be totally selfless.

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