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來源:本站原創(chuàng) 更新:2014/7/8 職稱英語考試論壇


  The space temperatures just discussed affect only our area of the solar ____(55).Obviously,it is hotter closer to the Sun and colder as we travel ____(56)from the Sun.Scientists estimate temperatures at Pluto are about -210℃.How cold is the lowest estimated temperature in the entire universe? Again, it depends upon your ____(57).We are taught it is supposedly ____(58)to have a temperature below absolute zero, which is -273℃,at which atoms do not move. Two scientists, Cornell and Wieman,have successfully ____(59)down a gas to a temperature barely above absolute zero.They won a Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001 for their work-not a discovery,in this case.

Why is the two scientists' work so important to science?

  In the 1920s,Satyendra Nath Bose was studying an interesting ____(60)about special light particles(顆粒)we now call photons(光子).Bose had trouble ____ (61)other scientists to believe his theory,so he contacted Albert Einstein.Einstein's calculations helped him theorize that atoms ____(62)behave as Bose thought-but only at very cold temperatures.

  Scientists have also discovered that ultra-cold(超冷)atoms can help them make the world's atomic clocks even ____(63)accurate.These clocks are so accurate today they would only lose one second ____(64)six million years! Such accuracy will help us travel in space because distance is velocity times time(d=vt).With the long distances involved in space ____(65),we need to know time as accurately as possible to get accurate distance.

56.A. by B. along C. away D. With

57.A. location B education C status D knowledge

58.A. interesting B. impossible C. reasonable D. necessary

59.A. burnt B. cooled C. blown D. cut

60.A. invention B. experiment C. paper D. theory

61.A. forcing B. begging C. convincing D. ordering

62.A. will B. would C. must D. need

63.A. that B. such C. more D. much 醫(yī)學全在.線quanxiangyun.cn

64.A. every B. any C. each D. some

65.A. station B. craft C. age D. travel


56 C 本句要表達的是兩個對立的意思:離太陽越近,我們感到越熱;離太陽越遠,我們 感到越寒冷。從所給介詞的含義來看,只有 away有"開"的意思。答案為C。

57 A 本段要表達的意思是 "溫度取決于與太陽的距離",所以本句的空格應填寫 location,表達"位置"這個概念。選項 B 是"教育";C 是"地位";D 是"知識"。答案只能為A 。

58 B 從意思上來考慮,選項 A 為"有趣的";選項 B 是"不可能的";選項 C 是 "合理的";D是"必要的"。文章要表達"我們被告知絕對零度之下原子是無法運動的,所以不可能存在比絕對零度更低的溫度"。從意思上考慮應為"不可能的",答案為B。

59 B 從詞意來考慮,選項 A為"燃燒";B為"冷卻";C為"吹";D為"切、割"。本句的意思是"兩位科學家將氣體冷卻到接近絕對零度"。答案為 B。

60 D 下文有提示,科學家 Satyendra Nath Bose 做了有關光子的理論研究。A 為"發(fā)明";

B 為"實驗";C 為"紙張、論文";D 為"理論"。答案為 D。

61 C 從詞意上考察。A為"強迫";B 為"乞求";C為"說服";D 為"命令"。本句的 意思是"因為 Bose 難以說服其他科學家相信他的理論,所以他就聯(lián)系了愛因斯坦"。答案為 C。

62 B 根據(jù)上下文判斷可以排除選項 C 和D。will 可用來表示"在一定的情況下通常會……',又因為本句主句的時態(tài)為一般過去式,所以從句中的助動詞使用過去式 would。 本題答案為B

63 C 句中的 even 是對比較級的修飾,所以本題答案為 C,表達的意思是"甚至更準確"。

64 A 本句要表達的意思是"這些鐘準確到每 6 百萬年才差一秒鐘",所以應該選擇every,表達"每一",其與 each 的區(qū)別是 every帶有頻率的含義,而 each 沒有這種意思。

65 D 本句要表達的意思是"在長距離的太空旅行時,我們更需要準確的時間以判斷準確的距離"。只有選項 D"旅行"最合適。選項 A 為"站";B 為"工藝";選項 C 為"年齡、時代"。





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