主癥 初起患部有束帶狀刺痛,局部皮膚潮紅,伴有輕度發(fā)熱乏力,食欲不振等全身癥狀。皮疹呈簇集狀水泡,水皰如綠豆或黃豆大小,中間夾以血皰或膿皰,排列如帶狀。皮疹多數(shù)發(fā)生在單側(cè),常見于肋間,次為頭面部。皰疹在2-3周后,漸見干燥結(jié)痂,最后痂退而愈。愈后一般不留瘢痕。少數(shù)患者有時疼痛可延續(xù)較長時間。
Main Manifestations At the onset, there are sharp pain and flushing of skin girdle-like in the local region associated with slight fever, fatigue and anorexia. Then there appear patches of vesicles in the size of mung bean or soybean which are sanguineous or pustular and lined bandlike. The eruption occurs in most cases, unilaterally in the costal region and sometimes on the face and head. In 2 to 3 weeks, the vesicles will dry up and form crusts and after the decrustation, the vesicles are heated almost, always without scarring. In few cases, the residual pain will extend for period of time.醫(yī)學(xué)全在線www.med126.com
治法 循徑取穴為主,輔以局部取穴。毫針刺用瀉法。
Treatment Points are mainly prescribed from the affected meridians. Local points are combined, reducing technique is applied.
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處方 曲池,合谷,血海,委中,陰陵泉,太沖。
Prescription Quchi (LI 11), Hegu (LI 4), Xuehai (SP10), Weizhong (BL 40), Yinlingquan (SP 9) and Taichong (LR 3). |