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來源:本站原創(chuàng) 更新:2015/2/14 職稱英語考試論壇


1.agree on 商定,決定,達成共識The two parties agreed on the date of the meeting. 雙方就開會的日期達成了一致

2.ask …… for 詢問、向…要He asked me for a cup of water. 他向我要杯水

3.be popular with sb. 受某人歡迎The book is popular with students of English. 這本書很受英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的歡迎

4.be rich in 在…充足 充裕It is rich in sugar and fat .

5.begin …… with 從…開始Begin the party with a dance. 以舞蹈開始晚會

6.break away from 脫離…

the south to break away from the Union南部各州從聯(lián)邦中脫離

7.break out 突然發(fā)生、爆發(fā)SARS broke out in 2003.

8.break the rule 違反規(guī)定Everyone obeys the rules; anyone who breaks the rules is punished.(違反規(guī)定的人將受到懲罰)

9.bring down 1. 降低Can you try to get them to bring down the price ?

10.bring in 引進、引來、吸收They started to use English, but they also brought in some words from their own languages.引進自己的語言

11.bring up 教育、培養(yǎng)Chaplin was brought up by his mother.

12.blow away 刮走、吹走Strong winds can also blow away the valuable soil吹走有價值的土壤。

13.blow over 風(fēng) 吹翻 、刮翻Three famous parks in and around London had over trees blown over.

14.blow down 風(fēng) 吹倒Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the high winds.

15.cut off 切斷The electricity was cut off for several days too.

16.call at (a place) 訪問 某地He called at the hospital after work to find out whether Mr King was better.

17.call on sb. 拜訪、訪問So I called on you and asked if I could lend me a hand.

18.call back 回電話Can you ask him to call me back ?

19.call for 要求、號召People are calling for freedom.

20.call in 招集、招來(警察、軍隊等)

The army was called in to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads and paths.

21.catch fire 著火Suddenly a pan of oil catches fire.

22.care for 喜歡、想要I care for reading magazines.

23.be carried away by 被…迷住He was carried away by her songs.

24.carry off 奪走The tiger carried off the rabbit in its mouth.

25.carry out 開展、執(zhí)行、實現(xiàn)carry out experiments

26.change …… into 把…變成,轉(zhuǎn)換成Change these sentences from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech. 把句子由直接引語轉(zhuǎn)換成間接引語

27.clear away 把…清除掉She is clearing away the leaves on the ground.

28.come about 發(fā)生、產(chǎn)生How did these differences come about ?

29.come across 偶然 遇到A man was walking through a wood and he came across a hunter.

30.come off 從…離開,脫落My raincoat got caught in the door and the button came off

31.come out 出發(fā)、出版、發(fā)行How did the printing come out ?

32.come to 共計、達到The total money collected had come to over million dollars. 籌集的錢已經(jīng)超過了100萬

33.come true 變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實,實現(xiàn)I‘ve always dreamt of coming to China, and now my dream has come true.

34.come up 抬頭、上來、上升He soon comes up for breath. 他不久就從水中上來喘氣了

35.compare to 把…比喻成The baby is compared to a bear.

36.compare …… with 把…與…進行比較Sometimes it is necessary to compare English with Chinese.

37.connect to 連接、相連The room is connected to the rest of the house by a long passage.走廊

38.connect with 與…相連How is one telephone connected with another today ?

39.consider …… as 把 某人 看作Today, Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest of all American presidents.

40.consider doing …… 考慮做某事Have you considered having a walk after supper ?

41.cut off 切斷Many towns and villages had their water supply cut off because there was no electricity.

42.cut through 剪斷、鑿穿The army was called in to cut through the mountain to build a road through it.

43.deal with 處理、 對付Here is some advice for dealing with the problems.

44.depend on 依靠、相信、信賴you can depend on us, sir.

45.die of 死于…

Tens of thousands of people died of hunger.

46.die out 消失、滅亡However , many of these are dying out.

47.divide…… into…… 把…分成…

Ireland is divided into two countries.

48.do a good deed 做件好事She was determined to do a good deed.

49.do one‘s best 盡某人的最大努力The farmers do their best to supply the market with enough vegetables.

50.do sb. a favor 幫某人一個忙Do me the favor to turn on the light.

51.do well 做的好He‘s doing well in the school

52.do wrong 做壞事、犯罪His family had done much wrong .

53.dream of 向往、渴望、夢想I‘ve always dreamt of coming to China.

54.drop in 順便走訪 某人I‘ll drop in and leave the new address.

55.eat up 吃光、吃完I ate up all the food I could find in the fridge.

56.earn one‘s living 謀生Many people earn their living by writing music.

57.end up 結(jié)束、告終It is probable that one day we will end up with death

58.fall off 跌落、下降The house moved and a few pictures fell off the wall.

59.fall in love with 愛上…

Two men fell in love with painting.

60.fall over 跌倒、倒下The old man fell over and lay still.

61.get along with 與…相處All the other students get along very well with each other.

62.get back 回來、返回See you when I get back.

63.get close to 接近There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to the building.

64.get in touch with 與…聯(lián)系They promised to get in touch again with each other. 65.get off 脫下Please get your coat off.

66.get married 結(jié)婚The person getting married is a relative of my mother.

67.get through 通過、撥通 電話I can‘t get through. The line’s busy.

68.get together 聚會、聯(lián)歡We must get together some other time for a chat.

69.get into the habit of 染上…的習(xí)慣Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.

70.give advice 提建議Give advice to your friend.

71.give back 歸還、退還I would like you to change this blouse , or else give me my money back.

72.give in 屈服、讓步King called for black people not to give in but to continue the struggle.

73.give up 放棄One habit is smoking. He can‘t give it up.

74.go away 走開、離開、逃跑Did you stay at home or did you go away ?

75.go ahead 用吧、請便吧I wonder if I could use your phone. —— Sure. Go ahead.

76.go bad 食物 變壞、壞掉The potatoes went bad in the soil.

77.go off 離開When are you going off to Guangzhou ?

78.go on doing sth. 繼續(xù)干某事Sometimes we go on working after dark.

79.go on with 繼續(xù)With the pay that he received, he went on with his studies at university.

80.go up 上漲、上升I believe prices might go up next week.

81.grow up 生長Do they grow up by themselves ?

82.hand in 交上來、遞交The report Mr Turner handed in was about the motor race.

83hand out 分發(fā)It seems necessary to hand out the listening text to the students.

84.have a good trip 一路順風(fēng)Of course. Good luck. Have a good trip.

85have a talk with 與…談話Yang Mei is having a talk with her teacher Sara about learning English.

86.have a seat 坐下Come in and have a seat.

87.have a test 參加測驗I had a test last week and got a full mark.

88.have a word with 和…說句話Please , could I have a word with her ?

90.have difficulty in doing sth. 做 …有困難 麻煩Others may have difficulty in moving.

91.have …… on 戴著、穿著Having a black hat on, he carried a stick.

92.have sports 進行體育活動Do you often have sports at school?

93.hear about 聽說Well , what else did you hear about at the meeting ?

94.help …… out 幫助某人解決困難You remember my friend who helped me out?

95.hold one‘s breath 屏息、不出聲Mrs. Cousins held her breath , and her whole body went cold.

96.hold up 阻擋、把住If it is possible , hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.

97.insist on 堅持、堅持認為I insist on telling him how great you were.

98.join in 參加、加入I joined in the singing contest.

99.join up 聯(lián)合起來、聯(lián)接起來Northern and Southern states joined up again as one country.

100.keep a record 作記錄It also keeps a record of the date on which they will travel

101.keep back 留下Finally, he did not give her the right change , but kept back five pounds.

102.keep fit 保持健康So people will be advised to keep fit in many ways.

103.keep in ouch with 與…保持聯(lián)系A(chǔ)lthough many families became separated, people still kept in touch with each other.

104.keep on doing sth. 繼續(xù) 做某事

In the years that followed, Marx kept on studying English and using it.

105.lay the table 擺設(shè)餐具 準備吃飯What‘s wrong with these eggs? ——Don’t ask me, sir, I only laid the table.

106.lead a simple life 過著簡樸的生Today, life has improved for the population, although many farmers in the west continue to lead a simple life.

107.lead to 導(dǎo)致、導(dǎo)向He began the research and studies which led to his new discoveries in physics.

108.learn …… by heart 記住、背誦They used to learn hundreds of songs by heart.

109.let …… in 讓…進來、放進I spoke to her and persuaded her to let me in

110.live on 以…為主食、以…為生They lived mainly on potatoes.

111.look down upon 看不起、輕視The boss looked down upon women.

112.look forward to 盼望I look forward to receiving your reply.

113.look out 留神、當心Look out ! The pan‘s on fire.

114.look round = look around仔細查看A person was looking round in the house to look for his watch.

115.lose heart 失去信心、灰心He did not lose heart.

116.lose one‘s life 死、犧牲Over a hundred people lost their lives in the fire.

117.lose weight 減肥、降體重I advise you to lose some weight.

118.make a good effort 作很大的努力He made a good effort.

119.make a record 錄制唱片He‘s made lots of records.

120.make a plan for 為…作計劃Now it is much easier to make plans for your trips.

121.make fun of 取笑某人Political leaders were not well thought of and those songs often made fun of them.

122.make progress 取得進步Are you making good progress?

123.make up 編出Make up a dialogue , using the following as a guide.

124.make up one‘s mind 下決心I haven’t made up my mind yet.

125.make sure 查明、確信We must make sure that they can enter the building.

126.make use of 利用

127.pay …… a visit 訪問…

I think it will be necessary for me to pay you a visit and see where you live.

128.pay attention to 注意、留心you should pay attention to the children wherever they are playing.

129.pay back 償還 借款等Well , after all these years we‘ve at last paid back all the money.

130.pick out 挑出Pick out the wrong sentences and correct them.

131.pick up 接收It is necessary to use a short - wave radio to pick up the programs.

132.拾起、撿起They can‘t pick up the small pieces with their fingers.

133.play a part in 在…方面起作用Most Irish people go to church every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people‘s lives.

134.point out 指出He pointed out that it was important to study English well.

135.point to 指向Pointing to the young plant, he asked me if that was the plant we had seen.

136.prevent …… from 妨礙、防止That is because this professor has a disease which prevents him from speaking .

137.push over 推倒、刮倒For these reasons , the strong winds push over the trees very ea y.

138.put down 記下Put down the gentleman‘s address.

139.put …… in prison 把…投進監(jiān)獄put some of them in prison

140.put on performances 演出Put on performances.

141.put on weight 發(fā)福、 增加體重Because of this , they put on weight very ea y.

142.put out 撲滅、關(guān)熄Office workers tried to put out the fire.

143.put up 貼 廣告等Please write a notice for the students and put it up.

144.refer to 談到、提到、涉及、有關(guān)What do you refer to ?

145.refer to …… as 把…叫著…

Once people would often be referred to as “ deaf” or “blind”

146.ring back 回電話Can you ask her to ring me back , please ?

147.ring off 掛斷電話、停止講話

148.run out of 用完The question is that we shall run out of food soon

149.see …… off 為…送行Is anybody seeing you off ?

150.send out 發(fā)射、派遣What a lot of invitations to send out!

151.set an example 樹立榜樣By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world. 152.set …… free 釋放 某人In the end all prisoners were set free.

153.set off 動身、起程He set off for the USA.

154.set up 建立、創(chuàng)立They will set up a new training centre.

155.show …… out 領(lǐng)…出去One moment —— let me show you out, sir.

156.shout at 對…大聲叫嚷I went on shouting at him while everyone else was looking at him.

157.lose one‘s sight 喪失視力Many of the injured lost their sight .

158.speed up 加快速度If you want to speed up your work , you should use a computer.

159.spend …… doing sth. 做…花We spent the weekend resting after our journey

160.spend …… on 在…花費 錢They will spend almost million yuan on the project.

161.stand for 代表、向征The letters “ UK” stand for “ The United Kingdom

162.stay up 熬夜Last night, she stayed up.

163.stick to 堅持But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research.

164.suffer from 遭受The peasants had to pay heavy taxes and suffered greatly from hunger.

165.take it easy 放心好了、別著急Take it easy ! I‘ve just called the First Aid Centre.

166.take part in 參加Every four years athletes all over the world take part in the Olympic Game.

167.take place 發(fā)生The dialogue takes place at a tailor‘s shop.

168.take up 占去、占領(lǐng)I think we should get this one , although it will take up more space in the room.

169.take the place of 代替、取代Millions of young trees have already been planted to take the place of those which were blown over.

170.tell lies 說謊Recently I‘ve discovered that he’s started to tell lies.

171.throw away 扔掉After you printed the book , you had to throw away the carved pieces of wood.

172.throw at 向…扔去She looked around the kitchen for something to throw at the lion.

173.throw up 吐出、嘔吐Make the person throw up.

174.translate…… into …… 把…譯成…

He said when people are learning a foreign language, they should not translate everything into their own language.

175.turn down 關(guān)小、調(diào)低Let me turn the music down.

176.turn …… into …… 把…變成…

If we cut down forests, we‘ll turn the land into a desert.

177.turn off 關(guān)掉 水、電、收音機Before you leave the lab, make sure the electricity is turned off在您離開實驗室之前,確定電被關(guān)閉。

178.turn out 證明是、結(jié)果是Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine.

179.turn up 到達、出現(xiàn)At around a quarter past eleven their father turned up.

180.turn over 翻動、耕翻The soil should also be turned over so that the weeds would be destroyed.

181.work out 算出、解決He worked out just how much the cost would be.

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