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來源:本站原創(chuàng) 更新:2014/9/16 職稱英語考試論壇

第三篇 The Worker's Role in Management

Traditionally, it has been the worker's role to work and management's role to manage. Managers have planned and directed the firm's operations with little thought of consulting the labor force. Managers have rarely felt compelled(被迫的) to obtain the worker's opinions or to explain their decisions to their employees. At most, companies have provided “suggestion boxes” in which workers could place ideas for improving procedures. In recent years, however, many management specialists have been arguing that workers are more than sellers of labor——they have a vital stake in the company and may be able to make significant contributions to its management. Furthermore, major company decisions profoundly affect workers and their dependents. This is particularly true of plant closings, which may put thousands on the unemployment lines. Should workers, then, play a stronger role in management?

Workers should have a role in management. At the very least, the labor force should be informed of major policy decisions. (A common complaint among rank-and-file workers is the lack of information about company policies and actions.) Between 1980 and 1985 about five million workers were the victims of plant closings and permanent layoffs(失業(yè)), often with no warning. At least 90 day's notice ought to be given in such instances so that workers have time to adjust. Management should consult workers before closing a plant, because the workers might be able to suggest ways of improving productivity and reducing costs and might be willing to make concessions that will help keep the plant operating.

It should become a general practice to include workers in some managerial decision making. There ought to be representatives of the workers on the firm's board of directors or other major policymaking groups. If rank-and-file workers are given a voice in the planning and management of the work flow, they will help to make improvement, their morale will rise, and their productivity will increase. As a further incentive, they must be given a share in the company's profits. This can be done through employee stock ownership plans, bonuses, or rewards for efficiency and productivity. Finally, when a plant can no longer operate at a profit, the workers should be given the opportunity to purchase the plant and run it themselves.

41.It can be interred from Paragraph 1 that managers________.

A. were not qualified

B. seldom obtained workers‘opinions

C. disliked “suggestion boxes”

D. never consulted the labor force.


42.In recent years, many management specialists have been arguing that workers________.

A. should have a say in management of the company.

B. are no longer sellers of the products

C. are less affected by company decisions than before.

D. are able to make final decisions for the company.


43.The word “rank-and-life”Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to___.

A. senior

B. ordinary

C. intelligent

D. capable


44.According to the passage, what happened between 1980 and 1985?

A. About five million workers were laid off without advance notice.

B. Managers consulted workers before closing a plant.

C. Workers did not make necessary concession.

D. Many companies were closed because of strikes.


45.It not given a voice in managenal decision making workers_____.

A. may lack the incentive to increase their productivity.

B. cannot get a share in the company‘s profits.

C. can still get bonuses for efficiency and productivity.

D. will not have the opportunity to purchase the plant.




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