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來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng) 更新:2014/5/26 職稱(chēng)英語(yǔ)考試論壇

第三篇The World’s Best-Selling Medicine
Since ancient times, people all over the world have used willow to stop pain. The willow tree contains salicylic acid (水楊酸). This stops pain, but there is one problem. Salicylic acid also hurts the stomach. In 1853, a French scientist made a mixture from willow that did not hurt the stomach. However, his mixture was difficult to make, and he did not try to produce or sell it. 
In 1897, in Germany, Felix Hoffmann also made a mixture with salicylic acid. He tried it himself first and then gave it to his father because his father was old and in a lot of pain. His father’s pain went away, and the mixture did not hurt his stomach.醫(yī).學(xué)全.在.線(xiàn)網(wǎng)站quanxiangyun.cn
Hoffmann worked for Bayer, a German company. He showed his new drug to his manager, who tested the drug and found that it worked well. Bayer decided to make the drug. They called it aspirin and put the Bayer name on every pill.
Aspirin was an immediate success. Almost everyone has pain of some kind, so aspirin answered a true need. Aspirin was cheap, easy to take, and effective, it also lowered fevers. Aspirin was a wonder drug.
At first, Bayer sold the drug through doctors, who then sold it to their patients. In 1915, the company started to sell aspirin in drugstores. In the United States, Bayer had a patent on the drug. Other companies could make similar products and sell them in other countries, but only Bayer could make and sell aspirin in the United States. In time, Bayer could no longer own the name aspirin in the United States. Other companies could make it there, too. However, Bayer aspirin was the most well known, and for many years, it was the market leader.
By the 1950s, new painkillers were on the market. Aspirin was no longer the only way to treat pain and reduce fever. Bayer and other companies looked for other drugs to make. However, in the 1970s they got a surprise. Doctors noticed that patients who were taking aspirin had fewer heart attacks than other people. A British researcher named John Vane found the reason aspirin helped to prevent heart attacks. In 1982, he won the Nobel Prize for his research. Doctors started to tell some of their patients to take aspirin every day to prevent heart attacks. It has made life better for the many people who take it. It has also made a lot of money for companies like Bayer that produce and sell it!
41. Why didn't the French scientist continue to make the medicine that stopped pain?
A. It didn't work well.
B. It was hard to make.
C. It hurt the stomach.
D. It was not cost-effective.
42. Why was Felix Hoffmann looking for a painkiller?
A. His company told him to do that.
B. His father was in pain.
C. He wanted to make a lot of money.
D. He suffered from headache.
43. Bayer started making aspirin because
A. it helped prevent heart attacks.
B. other companies were making it.
C. it worked well in stopping pain
D. the manager was a scientist.
44. Bayer aspirin was
A. the only drug with the name “aspirin”.
B. the first aspirin sold in the United States.
C. not sold in drugstores in 1915.
D. not easy to find in drugstores.
45. What has happened to aspirin since new painkillers came on the market?
A. Companies have stopped selling it.
B. It has become the best-selling painkiller.
C. Its new use has been discovered.
D. Doctors have sold it to patients.

A Doctor in the House
Brushing your teeth twice a day should keep the dentist away. But if a group of scientific researchers have their wish, it will make the rest of your body healthy too. (46)          It is one of many gadgets proposed by engineers and doctors at the Center for Future Health in New York— others include a pair of glasses that help to jog your memory, and a home camera designed to check for cancer.
The devices seem fanciful, but the basic principles are simple. The gadgets should make it easy for people to detect illness long before it strikes and so seek treatment far earlier than normal. (47) ________ In the long run, the technology may even prevent illness by encouraging us to lead healthier lives.
Intelligent bandages are a good example. Powerful sensors within the bandage could quickly Identify tiny amounts of bacteria in a wound and determine which antibiotics would work best. (48) ________
Socks are long overdue for a makeover. In the future they will be able to automatically detect the amount of pressure in your foot and alert you when an ulcer is coming up.
All the projects should have far-reaching implications, but the biggest single development is a melanoma monitor designed to give early warnings of cancer. (49)________ If a problem is found, the system would advise you to get a check-up at your doctor’s surgery.
If all this sounds troublesome, then help is at hand. (50)________ A standard computer would be able to understand your voice and answer questions about your symptoms in plain English and in a way which would calm your nerves.
A. The device could be used to take a picture of your body each week, then compare it with previous images.
B. That is going to be the difficult part.
C. The cut could then be treated instantly, so avoiding possible complications.
D. Instead of relying on hi- tech hospitals, the emphasis is shifted to the home and easy-to-use gadgets.
E. Experts are also working on a ‘digital doctor’, complete with a comforting bedside manner.
F. A toothbrush that checks blood sugar and bacteria while you brush is currently in development in the USA.


Domestic Violence
Nearly three in 10 men have experienced violence at the hands of an intimate partner during their lifetime, according_________ (51) one of the few studies to look at domestic violence and health among men.
"Many men actually do_________  (52) domestic violence, although we don't hear about it often."Dr. Robert J Reid of the University of Washington in Seattle, one of the study's authors, told Reuters Health. "They often don't_________ (53) and we don't ask. We want to get the message out to men who do experience domestic violence _________ (54) they are not alone and there are resources available to them.
The researchers asked study_________ (55) about physical abuse (人身傷害) and non-physical abuse, such as_________(56)that made them fear for their safety, controlling behavior, and constant name-calling.
Among men 18 to 64 years old, 14.2 percent said they had experienced intimate partner violence in the past five years, _________ (57) 6.1 percent reported domestic violence in the previous year.
Rates were lower for men 55 and older, with 5.3 percent _________ (58) violence in the past five years and 2.4 percent having experienced it in the past 12 months.
_________ (59), 30.5 percent of men younger than 55 and 26.5 percent of older men said they had been_________ (60) of domestic violence at some point in their lives. About half of the_________ (61) the men experienced was physical.
However, the physical violence men reported wasn't as harsh as that _________ (62) by women in a previous study; 20 percent to 40 percent of the men rated _________ (63) as severe, compared with 61 percent of women.
Men who reported experiencing domestic violence had more emotional and mental health_________ (64) than those who had not, _________ (65) older men, the researchers found.
51. A. at B. by C. for D. to
52. A. threaten B. fear C. use D. experience
53. A. answer B. speak C. talk D. tell
54. A. who B. when C. that D. what
55. A. participants B. observers C. listeners D. actors
56. A. news B. threats C. voices D. friends
57. A. since B. because C. as D. while
58. A. giving B. realizing C. understanding D. reporting
59. A. Yet B. Thus C. Overall D. Besides
60. A. victims B. makers C. writers D. factors
61. A. form B. way C. violence D. study
62. A. performed B. enjoyed C. committed D. suffered
63. A. this B. them C. those D. it
64. A. problems B. activities C. results D. arguments
65. A. especially B. specially C. naturally D. roughly
23-26 CEBD     27-30 EDAB 
31-35 BBDCB     36-40 BCAAB    41-45 BBCBC
46-50 FDCAE
51-55 DDDCA    56-60 BDDCA    61-65 CDDAA 






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