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來源:本站原創(chuàng) 更新:2011-11-16 職稱英語論壇


How Does Acupuncture Work? Acupuncture has been practised in China for more than 2,000 years, but I ts (41)____in the Western world is still very(42)____. Several hospitals in the United States are now experimenting(43)____acupuncture (44)____a way of treating pain. An American journalist who stood beside a patient during an operation in Shanghai recently described the45and its effects. To(46)____the patient from feeling pain during the operation, four(47)____were used, each about an inch and a half long. Two needles were inserted under the skin on each side of the patient’s neck. The top of the needles were attached(48)____wires which(49)____a small electrical device. Throughout the operation the patient talked50to those(51)____around him. Insisting that he felt perfectly normal. How does acupuncture work?(52)____s it able to keep a patient from feeling pain? No very(53)____ nswer has been given. But there are(54)____three theories. Some doctors believe that acupuncture(55)_____produces an effect upon the central nervous system. Others believe that acupuncture(56)____a chemical change in the body’s fluids. Still(57)____theory is that the needles make(58)____ an unknown system of energy in the body which travels along certain(59)____under the skin. The true explanation may be one of these or a combination of more than one. Or it may be something entirely(60)____.
A.use 醫(yī).學全在線提供quanxiangyun.cn
D. Execution

1、 A.another B.the other C.next D./
2、 A.joint B.contact C.Connection D./
3、 A.routes B.lines C.ways D./
4、 A.easy B.similar C.same D.different
5、 A.young B.new C.old D.younger
6、 A.at B.on C.with D.To
7、 A.like B.by C.for D.as
8、 A.process B.Situation C.Symptom D.aspect
9、 A.keep B.leave C.put D./ quanxiangyun.cn
10、 A.noodles B.needles C.spites D.pins
11、 A.for B.with C.by D.to 醫(yī).學全在線提供quanxiangyun.cn
12、 A.caused B.resulted in C.led to D./
13、 A.calmful B.calmly C.calm D. Calmness
14、 A.standing B.stood C.stand D./
15、 A.where B.what C.whether D.how
16、 A.satisfied B.satisfactory C.satisfying D.satisfy
17、 A.at least B.at best C.at most D.at any rate 醫(yī)學全在線quanxiangyun.cn
18、 A.somewhat B.anyhow C.somehow D.someway
19、 A.exposes B.produces C.makes D.takes

標準答案是:  1 A  2 B  3 A  4 D  5 B  6 C  7 D  8 A 
9 A  10 B  44 D  12 C  13 B  14 A  15 D  16 B  17 A 
18 C  19 B





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