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來源:醫(yī)學(xué)全在線 更新:2006-5-26 執(zhí)業(yè)醫(yī)師論壇


Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 20 points)
  Directions: Beneath each of the following
sentences, there are four choice marked A, B, C and D.
You should choose the one that best completes the
sentence and mark the corresponding letter on the
Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

L . There is no__________ in going to the park now as
the sun is setting.
  A. reason B. cause C. motive D. point

2. Mrs. Smith felt very__________ when her husband
forgot her birthday.
  A. deceived B. deserted C. confused D. disappointed

3. The output of the consuming products has been
increasing__________ the end of 1990.
  A. at B. by C. since D. after

4. The Minister insisted that a medical team__________
to the poveny-stricken area immediately.
  A. should send B. is sent C. ought to send D. be
sent .

5. __________ from the plane, the city, with forest
covering 50% of its surface, appears as a forest garden.
  A. Seen B. Seeing C. Having seen D. To see

6. It was courage__________ him to break bricks with
his bare hand.
  A. which enabled B. that has enabled
  C. that enabled D. that is able for

7. I 'd like to__________ the arrangements once more
before we get on the coach.
  A. go forward B. go over C.go round D. go about

8. Even a teenager can answer these questions,
__________ a graduate student.
  A. don't mention B. not to mention
  C. no mentioning D. not to speak

9. Their work__________ , Xiao Wang and Xiao Li went to
play table tennis in the club.
  A. are done B. doing C. done D. did

1 0. __________ such a kind man when I was in the great
  A. I little dreamed to meet with
  B. Little did I dreamed of meeting with
  C. I dreamed little to meet
  D. Little had I dreamed to see

l 1. Money__________ anyone. But one shouldn't get
money by ill means.
  A. is welcome tO B. welcomes
  C. is welcomed to D. is welcome by

l 2. The situaiion today is completely different
from__________ it was before the Liberation.
  A. what B. which C. when D. that
  l 3. He__________ his opinion so well that I
couldn't know whether he agreed to the plan.
  A. masked B. retreated C. discovered D. avoided

14. It must have rained last night__________ it is
still wet outside.
  A. therefore B. that C. when D. for

l 5. Do you think the subway is the most
effective__________ of transportation in this city?
  A. ways B. methods C. means D. passages

l 6. This timetable is out of date, it will
only__________ you.
  A. mistake B. mislead C. misplace D. misgive

l 7. He spoke so quickly that we could not__________
his meaning.
  A. make up B. make over C. make to D. make out

l 8. I hope your__________ for the job of the section
manager will be successful.
  A. endeavor B. application C. applicant D. reply

l 9. The writer of this story must be a very__________
  A. imaginable B. imaginative C. imaginary D.

20. The students were__________ to find Prof Walkef
lecture on such__________ topic so__________ .
  A. surprised, bored, excited
  B. surprising, boring, exciting
  C. surprised, boring, exciting
  D. surprising, bored, excited

Part Ⅱ Cloze
  Directions: There are 20 blanks in each of the
following two passages. For each blank there are four
choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the
one answer that best fits into the passage and mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single
line through the center.

Passage 1
  Many people have asked me, "Which is the most
beautiful country you have ever seen ?" They are always
surprised (21) say Mexico. But they would not be (22)
if they had been there. Mexico (23) beautiful people,
beautiful flowers and forests, towns and villages.
(24), it has the most beautiful mountains in the world.
  In 1519, when Cortez led the Spaniards (25) Mexico,
he found (26) inhabited by a race of indians. These
were Artecs. We think of indians as backward people
(27) in huts and hunting with bows and (28). But not
the Artecs. In some ways, they were (29) civilized than
the Spaniards (30) conquered them.

21. A. what B. when C. where D. therefore
  22. A. surprised B. cheerful C. doubtful D.
  23. A. have B. there is C. has D. there
  24. A. However B. Totally C. Finally D. Above all
  25. A. out Of B. towards C. into D. away from
  26. A. them B. it C. himself D. Artecs
  27. A. lived B. live C. living D. to live
  28. A. arrows B. guns C. knives D. hands
  29. A. very B. so C. most D. more
  30. A. who B. were C. when D. to be

Passage 2
  Every plant, animal and person consists of cells.
Each of these is (31) , but contains its own, even
smaller, (32) . At the heart of this world is a (33)
code which controls the cell's (34) . It controls, for
example, whether it is a leaf cell, a (35) cell or an
eye cell. And all this information is (36) in the
cell's genes.There are about 100,000 of these (37) a
human being. Each one is very special (38) made of
molecules. Scientists have known about genes for a (39)
time. What they haven't known until recently is how to
(40) them.

31. A. large B. steady C. active D. tiny
  32. A. cell B. body C. world D.molecule
  33. A. special B. normal C. invented D. secret
  34. A. identity B. weight C. lengih D. size
  35. A. new B. tree C. skin D. dead
  36. A. stored B. gained C. changed D. classified
  37. A. for B. in C. On D. by
  38. A. for B. and C. that D. which
  39. A. hard B. limited C. Iong D. ancient
  40. A. find B. Cure C. study D. change

PartⅢ Reading Comprehension
  Directions: There are 6 passages in this part. Each
passage is followed by some questions or unfinished
statements. For each of them there are four choices
marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best
choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer
Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 41-45 are based on the following passage:
  When I was at university I studied very hard. But
many of my classmates did just enough to pass the
exams. Jack was one of them. He spent more time
drinking in the Smart Gentleman than reading in the
library. Once, we had an important test in medicine.
The test had a hundred questions. While all of us were
studying very hard on Monday, the night before the
test, Jack was watching TV. He usually worried a lot
the night before a test. But that night he looked
perfectly calm. He simply told me that he was sure, in
some way, to get half the questions right.
  The next day Jack came cheerfully into the
classroom. As he sat down, he took out a coin. He
tossed it for half an hour and marked down all his
answers. Then he left, forty minutes before the rest of
us. Two days later, he met the professor of
medicine, "Have you got the results of the test?" Jack
asked. The professor looked at him and smiled. "Ah it's
you , Jack. Just a minute." Then he reached into his
pocket and took out a big coin. He threw it into the
air, caught it in his hand and looked at it . "I'm very
sorry, Jack." he said, ''You failed."

41. From the first paragraph, we know the Smart
Gentleman probably is__________.
  A.a classroom B. a school shop C. a dining hall D.
A bar on campus

42. What Jack expected to get was__________ .
  A. an excellent mark B. a passing mark C. his best
mark D. a low mark

43. The rest of the class__________.
  A. needed one more hour C. did the test for over an
  B. left half an hour earlier D. worked for half an

44. When was the test given to the students ? A. on
Monday B. on Tuesday C. on Wednesday D. on Thursday

45. When did Jack meet the professor ?
  A. on Monday B. on Tuesday C. on Wednesday D. on

Questlons 46-50 are based on the following passage.
  The good news about Britain's National Health
Service (NHS) is that it gives free medical help to
everyone who needs it. Sick people don't have to pay to
see the doctor, or to stay in hospital, and they only
pay part of the cost of their medicines. The bad news
is that the NHS is always running out of money. The
British government spends even less on health than the
American governrnent. And in the USA sick people also
have to pay every time they see a doctor. The NHS has
been admired and enjoyed by British poople since 1946
when it started. The idea then was to look after
people "from the cradle to the grave". Free medicine
was part of the "welfare state", which gave free
education to the young, money to the unemployed, and
pensious to the old.
  Slowly, as the yeare pass, problems have grown up.
Govemments are finding that the bills are getting
bigger and bigger. In 1982, L14,000 million was spent
on health. One reason for this is that there are many
more old people now than there were in 1946. Forty
percent of NHS money goes on looking after the old.
Some poople say that the NHS is a luxury Britain can
not afford. They want to bring back more private
medicine, for which people would pay. Free medicine,
they say, should be given only to the poor. Other
people, including many doctors, disagree. Everyone,
they say, has the right to the same medical help. In a
two part system, the rich would always get the best.
This would not be fair. People also disagree about how
NHS money should be spent. Should L15,000 be spent on
each heart transplant operation, when there are not
enough beds for thousands of old people in pain? Should
abortions be paid for by the NHS? Should more money be
spent on the mentally ill? Shouldn't doctors and nurses
be better paid?
  The questions go on and on -- but so does the NHS.
And millions of British people are thankful that it's

46. In Britain sick people have to pay some money
  A. see a doctor
  B. stay in a hospital
  C. get some medicine
  D. have an operation

47. In Britain more money are spent on health than
before because__________.
  A. more people get ill
  B. there are more old people
  C. medicines become more expensive
  D. doctors and nurses are better paid

48. Some people want to have more private hospitals in
Britain because they__________ .
  A. don't trust the NHS
  B. want better medical treatment
  C. don't think Britain can afford free medicine for
  D. believe that everyone has the right to medical

49. What is ihe biggest problem the NHS is facing?
  A. Shortage of money.
  B. Criticisms from the people.
  C. Arguments about its function.
  D. Pressure from the govemment

50. The underlined word 'pensions' in paragraph 2
means__________ .
  A. medical treatment B. care
  C. home Service D. money

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