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更新時間:2012/5/11 醫(yī)學考研論壇 在線題庫 評論

3. 近期論文:

Lai MT, Lu M, Felock PJ, Hrin RC,1 Wang YJ, Yan Y, Munshi S, McGaughey GB, Tynebor RM, Tucker TJ, Williams TM, Grobler JA, Hazuda DJ, McKenna PM, Miller MD. (2010) Distinct mutation pathways of non-subtype B HIV-1 during in vitro resistance selection with non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print].

Wang YJ, McKenna PM, Hrin R, Felock P, Lu M, Jones KG, Coburn CA, Grobler JA, Hazuda DJ, Miller MD, Lai MT. (2010) Assessment of the susceptibility of mutant HIV-1 to antiviral agents. Journal of Virological Methods, 165(2):230-237.quanxiangyun.cn

Cao H, Yu J, Xu W, Jia X, Yang J, Pan Q, Zhang Q, Sheng G, Li J, Pan X, Wang Y, Li L. (2009) Proteomic analysis of regenerating mouse liver following 50% partial hepatectomy. Proteome Science, 7:48.

Montgomery DL*, Wang YJ*, Hrin R, Luftig M, Su B, Miller MD, Wang F, Haytko P, Huang L, Vitelli S, Condra J, Liu X, Hampton R, Carfi A, Pessi A, Bianchi E, Joyce J, Lloyd C, Geleziunas R, Bramhill D, King VM, Finnefrock A, Strohl W, An Z (2009) Affinity maturation and characterization of a human monoclonal antibody against HIV-1 gp41 (*equal contribution, co-first authors). MAbs, 1(5):462-474.

Ingallinella P, Bianchi E, Ladwa NA, Wang YJ, Hrin R, Bonelli F, Ketas TJ, Moore JP, Miller MD, Pessi A (2009) Addition of a cholesterol group to an HIV-1 peptide fusion inhibitor dramatically increases its antiviral potency. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106(14): 5801-5806.

Hrin R, Montgomery DL, Wang F, Condra JH, An Z, Strohl WR, Bianchi E, Pessi A, Joyce JG, Wang YJ* (2008) In vitro synergy between peptides or neutralizing antibodies targeting the N- and C-terminal heptad repeats of HIV-1 gp41 (*corresponding author). AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 24(12): 1537-1544.

Su B, Hrin R, Harvey BR, Wang YJ, Ernst RE, Hampton RA, Miller MD, Strohl WR, An Z, Montgomery DL (2007) Automated high-throughput purification of antibody fragments to facilitate evaluation in functional and kinetic based assays. Journal of Immunological Methods, 322(1-2): 94-103.

Pizarro-Cerda J, Payrastre B, Wang YJ, Veiga E, Yin HL, Cossart P (2007) Type II phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases promote Listeria monocytogenes entry into target cells. Cellular Microbiology, 9(10): 2381-2390.

Yamamoto M, Chen MZ, Wang YJ, Sun HQ, Wei Y, Martinez M, Yin HL (2006) Hypertonic stress increases phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate levels by activating PIP5KI. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281(43): 32630-32638.

Wang YJ, Li WH, Wang J, Xu K, Dong P, Luo X, Yin HL (2004) Critical role of PIP5KIg87 in InsP3-mediated Ca2+ signaling. Journal of Cell Biology, 167(6): 1005-1010.

Wang YJ, Wang J, Sun HQ, Martinez M, Sun YX, Macia E, Kirchhausen T, Albanesi JP, Roth MG, Yin HL (2003) Phosphatidylinositol 4 phosphate regulates targeting of clathrin adaptor AP-1 complexes to the Golgi. Cell, 114(3): 299-310.

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