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要不要寫這一段取決于指令,2001年作文就沒有讓寫。如果指令要求要寫,為什么要求你寫呢? 讓你描寫的最終目的,還是為了闡釋寓意, 所以描述本身不是目的,目的在于第二段, 對其進(jìn)行闡發(fā)。所以, 與寓意有關(guān)的要寫, 與寓意無關(guān)的不寫.

一大禁忌是對圖畫細(xì)節(jié)進(jìn)行過分描述。比如,2004年的作文題寓意是終點(diǎn)就是起點(diǎn), 人生奮斗應(yīng)該永不停息, 而不能停下來喘息。所以在描寫時,不應(yīng)該對兩棵樹,跑道,小旗幟,背心上的花紋,是短褲還是七分褲給以過多的關(guān)注,豆大的汗珠也不要。抓住三點(diǎn):一、男孩在跑道上跑(run on the track), 二、馬上要沖刺(is sprinting/dashing/rushing to the finishing line), 三、沖刺的終點(diǎn)線后方寫著終點(diǎn)(ending point),前方寫著起點(diǎn)(starting point)。

再比如2002年美國女孩穿中國服裝題,寓意是文化交流不是文化沖突,寫出美國女孩, 穿的是中國傳統(tǒng)服裝(traditional Chinese costumes), 面帶微笑就行了(smiling like an angel、wearing a sweet smile)。


寫法一 四句話,描述圖畫(必須在第二段第一句寫出中想)

寫法二 三句描述圖畫,一句點(diǎn)出中心思想

寫法三 一句點(diǎn)出中心思想,三句寫出圖畫

寫法四 第一句: 指出話題,說的是什么事情 第二句: 描寫圖畫 1第三句: 描寫圖畫 2 (如果是一張圖,描寫兩句)第4句: 點(diǎn)明中心思想

常用句:As is shown/…, we can see clearly that…/

The purpose of the pictures/the drawer is to reveal/expose to us a common and serious problem in China/in our social life:


There is no doubt that the purpose of the pictures is to reveal us a common and serious problem in China: how to educate and cultivate the young. As is depicted in the first picture, the flower blooms in the greenhouse despite the storm outside. However, in the second picture, it fades away under the storm when put outside. Obviously, the flower cannot withstand wind and rain.醫(yī)學(xué)全在線quanxiangyun.cn


There is no doubt that the purpose of the drawing is to reveal us a common and serious problem in China: Who should support/take care of/care for the elderly? As is depicted in the cartoon, (一位老人的三個兒子和一個女兒在進(jìn)行一場足球賽) an old man’s three sons and only daughter are having a football match. 他們都企圖將那個足球,也就是他們的老父親,往別人的球門里踢) They all attempt to kick the football, their miserable father, into others’ goal 同時守好自己的門while keeping their own. 顯然,老父親成了即便是自己的親生兒女也不愿意接收的廢物 Obviously,the aged father has become something even his children are unwilling to accept.


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